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In light of a recently reported vulnerability we've temporarily disabled open manager access to the manager on this demo site. We'll restore access when this issue has been resolved. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Easy Multi-Column Layouts & Grids

Thanks to the power of ContentBlocks, creating multi-column layouts just got a whole lot easier. Brings your content manager a whole new level of creative freedom, while you stay in control of the markup and design.

Buy See it in action
  • Multiple columns in a simple canvas
  • Supports Foundation, Bootstrap and even your own custom markup
  • Easily Drag & Drop between columns and sections
  • Even supports nesting layouts within layouts
  • Dozens of input types for various types of content, with a plugin system for additional custom inputs
  • Licenses available for €79, including upgrades and a year of support

Try ContentBlocks and our other products yourself in the MODX Manager. Browse the various resources and Extras for different demo setups.

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Fast & Flexible Galleries

MoreGallery is the fast and flexible gallery your content manager needs. As a custom resource type it lives in the tree, rather than in a component, making it ideal for portfolio and gallery pages.

Buy See it in action
  • Easy and intuitive to use
  • Ability to move the content field to a tab, putting focus on the gallery
  • Automatic image name sanitisation
  • Supports region of interest cropping with multiple crops per image
  • Several layers of caching for a speedy gallery
  • 100% control over front-end display
  • With autocompleting tags support

Trusted Products & Services

Over 1,000 clients worldwide use modmore products to accelerate their projects, saving both time and money.

Clean Rich Text Editor

Redactor is our premium rich text editor. It has a clean and uncluttered look, is insanely configurable and ensures the markup is clean. It can be used standalone, but also in combination with ContentBlocks and other components.

Buy See it in action
  • Clean design, no unnecessary buttons or menus
  • With 150 settings and two dozen plugins
  • Use Ace or CodeMirror for the HTML editor
  • Ensures clean markup - even from Word
  • Includes a custom Redactor Template Variable with TV-specific options
  • Powerful media management
  • Typeahead for adding resource links